My Message

The Portuguese last name Carvalho literally translates to "oak" in English. Oak trees, thanks to their capacity to thrive in a variety of conditions, provide one of the world's strongest and most durable timbers. It is a revered emblem of wisdom, strength, and perseverance, and it develops at its own, steady rate.
The complexities of motion have always piqued my interest. In dance, as in development, as in transformation. My first true passion was physical activity, which both tested and refined me into the person I am now. As a former member of the Canadian National Team in Rhythmic Gymnastics and a high-level athlete for the past 13 years, I can attest to the relevance of clothing utility in facilitating my ability to express a variety of movement characteristics freely.
Despite the ups and downs I had in my sports career, the only constants were my maturity, strength, and stamina. Like an oak tree, I developed at my own pace, and the gymnastics world recognized the uniqueness of my movement style.
By bringing it to light, I hope you'll learn to see Oak as an extension of yourself as well. The process of establishing Oak reminded me to focus on the here and now; it encapsulated the idea that in order to reach for the stars, we must first have firm footing. When you put on Oak, I hope you'll picture yourself as strong and sturdy like an oak tree. In order to become sturdy, unique, and undeniably Oak, it's important that you keep developing at your own speed.